Building My Runway 2024


Global Mentorship Program for Mid-career Women in Technology


To advance gender equity in the tech world by setting up mid-career women in tech, particularly those who speak English as an additional language, for sustainable success, in their careers.


Women in Technology

8-15 years of professional experience

Speak English as an additional language


Action plan for 1-3 self-led professional development goals

Well-articulated personal value statement/personal elevator pitch

Insights into self-leadership, self-promotion, and inclusive leadership

Access to global network of accountability partners and industry leaders

Orientation to future-of-work skills: inclusive, collaborative, remote and agile leadership


2x monthly 60-minute 1:1 meetings with Mentors

2x monthly 90-minute group learning/coaching sessions with Cohort

CliftonStrengths 34 Assessment PLUS 1, 60-minute 1-1 Strengths Coaching included at no cost (otherwise valued at US$310)




Diverse, interdisciplinary panel of Mentors, Coaches, and Guest Speakers from US and India

Vibrant mix of Technology, Business, and People leaders with global experience

Program Impact

Program Year Cohort Size Countries Represented Number of languages spoken in addition to Engish Wins
2021 11 3 5 2 promotions, 1 new role, 1 new job
2022 5 4 4 1 new job
2023 7 3 5 1 new job, 1 company award

Mentee Reviews

I have gained so much self-confidence! My Mentor has provided me with tools to succeed without her. Thank you; this has been a life changing experience!

- BMR Mentee, 2023

 I learned that I have the power to speak, and not let myself down due to situations or people. I learned that accomplishments do not speak for themselves, I gained trust about myself, I discovered more about where is my path and what can I do next.

- BMR Mentee, 2023

"Being part of "Building my runway" program where Meenakshi was the program organizer was a key turn around that happened in my career in 2021. I have no words to express how much Meenakshi helped me in becoming more confident, bolder and clearer to pick up bigger challenges, voice my thoughts and add value to my organization.
THANK YOU for being my mentor, coach and a person with golden heart who genuinely cares and nurtures every relationship and continues to contribute towards every mentee's success."

"This program was the best thing that happened to me in 2021! The trajectory of my career (and life) changed completely in the three months I was coached by her and NorthStar Solutions. From being at a place where I doubted my existence, motivation and purpose in life to practically thriving right now - a lot, A LOT has changed for me. And if I had to name one of the earliest catalysts for this change - then it has to be Meenakshi and all that she has done for me."

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