
Training Program Catalog

  • Coaching Skills for Scrum and Agile Professionals

    The Coaching Arc 

    The GROW model of Coaching

    Impactful retrospectives using Powerful Questions

  • Virtual Meeting Skills for IT Professionals
    • Conducting productive meetings
    • Navigating back-to-back meetings
    • Stakeholder engagement
  • Inclusive Leadership for IT Professionals
    • Introduction to Inclusive Design 
    • Understanding global cultures
    • Intercultural communication
  • Teambuilding 101 for new Managers

    "What's got here you won't get you there"  - Marshall Goldsmith.

    • Building engaged teams
    • Leading people vs managing tasks
    • Empathy, change leadership and resilience
  • Agile 101 for non-IT teams
    • Introduction to Agile
    • Introduction to Scrum/Kanban
    • Adopting Agile ways of working

     Our Training Model

  • 100% virtual sessions in groups of 10 to 15 participants
  • designed with human-centered and growth mindset-based approach
  • includes self-assessments on values, strengths, and communication styles
  • caters to different cultures, learning styles, and to non-native speakers of English
  • ideal for distributed, global/virtual teams, and support/promote agile ways of working
Let's talk

Why you should consider our training programs

You need your teams to be collaborative, agile and inclusive, especially in virtual environments, so that you can increase your speed-to-market.

You need your non-IT teams to come up to speed on Agile methods, so that the entire organization is adopts continuous learning by continuous improvement.

You need virtual training programs for your new and rising leaders, so that they are fully equipped for their new leadership roles.

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